- Bylaws, constitutional documents and incorporation
- Founders’ agreements
- Terms and conditions of sale/service
- Trademarks and patents (in partnership)
- Strategic alliances
- Service delivery agreements
- IT agreements
- Technology transfer agreements
- Distribution agreements
- Business provider agreements
- Account and cash management agreements
- Development agreements
- Consulting agreements
- Loan agreements
- Employment agreements (in partnership)
- Corporate governance documents
- Privacy policy
- Fundraising
- Shareholders’ agreements
- Pitch coaching
- Governance
- Capital transactions
- Share issuances
- Share option plans
- Restructuring
- Spin-off, spin-in, spin-along
- Asset and liability warranty
- Commercial litigation
- Disputes between partners
- Unfair competition
- Parasitism
- Counterfeiting
- Sudden termination of business relationship
- Corporate criminal law
- Enforcement in France of foreign decisions